Feature Query API

Given below is the list of the API functions:

Function Description
VLSgetFeatureInfo Retrieves feature licensing information when a non-capacity licensed is currently serving the license requests.

Retrieves information about non-capacity licenses available in the License Manager.


Retrieves information for both capacity and non-capacity licenses available in License Manager.

VLSgetVersions Retrieves licensed version information for a feature.
VLSgetFeatureFromHandle Returns the feature name corresponding to the handle.
VLSgetVersionFromHandle Returns the version corresponding to the handle.
VLSgetTimeDriftFromHandle Returns the difference in seconds between the estimated current time on the License Manager and the estimated time on the client.
VLSgetFeatureTimeLeftFromHandle Returns the difference in seconds between the estimated current time on the License Manager and the estimated feature expiration time on the License Manager.
VLSgetKeyTimeLeftFromHandle Returns the difference in seconds between the estimated current time on the License Manager and the estimated license expiration time on the License Manager